KIARA - FIWARE Advanced Middleware


KIARA Fiware Advanced Middleware is a Java based communication middleware for modern, efficient and secure applications. It is an implementation of the FIWARE Advanced Middleware Generic Enabler (GE).

The Advanced Middleware GE is a set of compile-time and run-time tools, and a communication library to be integrated with the application. Thus, the requirements are rather minimal. In particular it requires no service running in the background.

KIARA implements transparent, fast, secure and standard conform communication between applications or services running on multiple machines using different Operating Systems. It also provides a friendly and extensible API.

The FIWARE platform offers a powerful set of components (Generic Enablers) providing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that ease the development of Smart Applications in multiple vertical sectors.

The FIWARE catalogue contains a rich library of reference implementations of the components (Generic Enablers) that allow developers to implement functionalities such as the connection to the Internet of Things or Big Data analysis, making programming much easier.


This first release focuses on the basic features of RPC and Publish/Subscribe communication:


Upcoming versions will include additional features:

Getting started

Hello World Video

The following video shows a basic Hello World implementation using KIARA. For more details see the example below or check the documentation section.

A quick example

In the IDL derived approach, first the IDL (Interface Definition Language) definition of the remote functions has to be created:

service Calculator {
     float32 add (float32 n1, float32 n2);
     float32 subtract (float32 n1, float32 n2);

The developer has to implement the server side functions of the class CalculatorServantImpl:

public static class CalculatorServantImpl extends CalculatorServant
     public float add (/*in*/ float n1, /*in*/ float n2) {
          return (float) n1 + n2;

     public float subtract (/*in*/ float n1, /*in*/ float n2) {
         return (float) n1 - n2;

Now the server can be started:

// Create context, server and service
Context context = Kiara.createContext();
Server server = context.createServer();
Service service = context.createService();

// Create and register an instance of the CalculatorServant implementation.
CalculatorServant Calculator_impl = new CalculatorServantImpl();

// register the service on port 9090 using CDR serialization 
server.addService(service, "tcp://", "cdr");

// run the server;

The client can connect and call the remote functions via the generated proxy class:

// Create context
Context context = Kiara.createContext();

// setup the connection to the server
Connection connection = context.connect("tcp://");

// get the client Proxy implementation
CalculatorClient client = connection.getServiceProxy(CalculatorClient.class);

// Call the remote methods
float result = client.add(3, 5);


Find the full documentation on Read The Docs:


KIARA is implemented as a Java Library and published on Maven-Central. It can be used with every modern build management tool like Maven or Gradle. For basic usage please check our Installation Manual and User Guide.

To download the source code check out the KIARA Github repository or download the archive:

Community & Support

To report bugs or request features, submit issues here on GitHub. For additional resources, you can contact the maintainers directly. For general questions and discussions please use the KIARA-discuss mailing list. Once you subscribe to the list, you can send mail to the list address: The mailing list archives are also available on the web.

And of course you can follow us on the ICCLab blog for news and updates.


KIARA is licensed under the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL).

Provided by

ICCLab Logo

in colaboration with

FIWARE Logo eProsima Logo DFKI Logo

Supported by

EU FP7 Logo